Regional key account manager | RKAM (H/F)

Datum nástupu 02/09/2024
Místo SAINT-EGRÈVE, Francie.
Typ smlouvy Smlouva na dobu neurčitou
Pracovní doba Forfait annuel en jours
Salary 64 000 à 67 000 € annuels bruts sur 13 mois
Přihlaste se

Ve společnosti ARaymond vytváříme špičkové upevňovací a montážní systémy pro stroje a výrobky, které udržují svět v pohybu.

Společnost byla založena v Grenoblu v roce 1865 a dodnes zde má sídlo. Jsme rodinný podnik s bohatou historií inovací, na které jsme hrdí – včetně vynálezu druku (patentky).

Již více než 158 let jsou hnacím motorem našeho úspěchu lidské hodnoty, které ztělesňuje náš model řízení, tzv. Servant leadership. Ten podporuje samostatnost zaměstnanců a prioritou je jejich spokojenost .

Dnes zaměstnáváme více než 8 500 lidí ve 25 zemích světa a jsme odhodláni stát se lídrem v oblasti udržitelnosti pro celosvětový trh s upevňovacími a montážními prvky.

Připojte se k týmu, který stojí vždy po vašem boku

Užijte si možnost inovovat, rozvíjet se a měnit věci k lepšímu. Staňte se součástí našeho mezinárodního obchodního týmu. Budete spolupracovat s našimi klienty a poskytovat jim řešení na míru v oblasti upevňování a montáže.

As a Regional Key Account Manager, you will be responsible for managing a portfolio of key customer accounts in the EMEA Region for the AR Mobility market. Your role will be to develop and grow the Business and the Profit for your Key Customer Accounts. You will manage customer requests along the products’ serial life and until products end of life. You will oversee a group of Customer with a total turnover higher than 5 million euros with OEM and Tiers 1 accounts. You will involve multiple entities present in the EMEA Region to manage this Regional Customer Group.

Co u nás budete dělat?

Roles and responsibilities

- Develop and implement Business strategies to maximize sales and profitability in the EMEA Region.

- Play a key role in developing new business opportunities with actual customers.

- Maintain and strengthen relationships with key customers in the EMEA Region. Establish regular contact with key stakeholders and decision-makers of the key customers (purchasing managers, engineering teams, program managers, quality managers, etc.) to build trust. Understand their specific needs and commit to provide adapted solutions.

- Be the ARaymond entry point to receive Request for Information. Manage internal resources (Project Manager, Engineering, Industrialization, etc.) to answer all customer Request for Information.

- Be the ARaymond entry point to receive Request for Quotation. Validate and send the quotation to the customer by validating product platform congruence, price consistency, footprint capabilities and offer conditions.

- Manage all the customer requests along the product serial life and until products end of life.

- Monitor Market trends in the EMEA Region. Identify new business opportunities and anticipate the customer’s needs.

- Monitor Performance of the Key Customers by analyzing sales, comparing target business and result, and implementing corrective action plan.

Co od vás potřebujeme?

Education and experience

- Master with minimum 5 years in Regional Account Management experience

- English level B2 + Customer preferred language

- Regular travel in the Region EMEA (around 20%)



- Assertive and ethic, able to prospect and propose creative solutions, with efficient and effective communication.

- Able to negotiate under pressure, generating positive impact.

- Autonomous and proactive, assumes responsibilities.

- Resilient.

- Good level of systemic vision, understanding the global implications of decisions.

- Collaborative and team player.

- Assertive Leadership Attitude.

- Knowledge of pricing and cost processes, budget, and forecasting.

- Knowledge about the market in which the company is included.

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