SAP Enterprise Architect (F/M)

Информационные технологии и системы
Дата начала 2023-12-03
Место Grenoble, Франция.
ТИП КОНТРАКТА Работа на постоянной основе
Рабочее время Full time
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Компания ARaymond специализируется на производстве инновационных систем крепления и монтажа для механизмов и устройств, обеспечивающих мировой прогресс.

Семейный бизнес был основан в Гренобле в 1865 г., где и сегодня базируется наш головной офис. Мы с гордостью вспоминаем нашу полную новаторства историю, что берет начало с изобретения кнопочных застежек.

Ценности гуманизма служат нам маяком успеха вот уже более 157 лет, находя отражение в «лидерстве как служении». Эта модель управления расширяет полномочия сотрудников и ставит их благополучие на первое место.

На данный момент с нами работают 8000 сотрудников в 25 странах мира. Кроме того, мы неукоснительно следуем принципам устойчивого развития на международном рынке решений для креплений и монтажа.

Связи — это ваши амбиции в компании, которой не все равно

Членство в дружной международной команде профессионалов, всегда готовых прийти на помощь. Чувство собственной ценности и уважения вашей роли в компании будет с вами на каждом этапе пути с нами.

Within the Architecture and SAP Product Management communities, you are involved in designing and implementing business solutions using the SAP S4/HANA platform. You will be focusing on understanding the organization's business requirements, identifying opportunities for improvement, and translating those into effective solutions within the S4/HANA system.

As Enterprise architect, you are responsible for envisioning, communicating and evolving Information System inside SAP and outside of SAP.


You need to be familiar with the various products and services that SAP offers. This includes knowing the features and functions of each product, as well as the target audience for each one. 

The main duties are:

  • Translating the high-level business strategy into technical solutions 
  • Reviewing existing systems to identify opportunities for improvement or replacement 
  • Developing diagrams and models to illustrate how data flows within an organization’s information systems 
  • Working with other members of the organization to strategize new business models and implement new business solutions 
  • Identifying new technologies that could be incorporated into existing solutions or developing new solutions based on emerging technologies 
  • Coordinating with Business Analysts to ensure that new solutions meet the needs of end users 
  • Performing feasibility studies to determine whether proposed solutions are viable 
  • Work closely with technical teams and stakeholders to ensure that the implemented solutions accurately reflect the desired business processes. 
  • Collaborate with data management and integration teams to establish data governance practices and ensure data consistency and accuracy within the Information System. 

  Overall, you act as a bridge between business stakeholders and the technical teams, ensuring that the SAP S4/HANA solutions meet the organization's business requirements and contribute to its overall success. 


Experience with the new SAP S4/Hana and good knowledge on associated solutions like BTP


Business knowledge: to understand the needs of the Business counterpart and the goals of their projects, business knowledge is required to create effective solutions that meet the needs as well as to determine the best technology to use for each project. 
  • Communication skills: strong Communication skills are necessary to convey ideas to other communities and stakeholders. 
  • Ability to work in a team environment: The SAP Enterprise Architect will work with other community members, including business analysts, project managers and other solution architects. Working in a team environment requires collaboration and the ability to compromise. A Strong capacity to discuss, convince & align with other experts is required
  • Fluent in English written and spoken
  • Enterprise Architecture framework knowledge will be a plus
  • Fluent in English and French





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